James P. Balmer D.D.S.
This popular dentist of Fenton, whose elegantly equipped dental parlors have the latest improvements in electrical appointments, stands high in the social circles of this place and deserves marked credit for having attained by his own struggles his present excellent position, both professionally and socially. He was born in Kent County, Ontario, Canada, September 30, 1858, and is a son of John and Margaret (Cameron) Balmer.
The father was born in Roxbyshire, Scotland and at the age of eleven came to America with his parents where he grew to manhood in the township of Caledon, Peel County, Canada and he still resides on a farm in Kent County. The mother died in 1858, leaving three children, all of whom are now living. By a second marriage the father had three children.
Our subject was reared upon a farm and received a district school
education and in 1881 entered the Philadelphia Dental College,
graduating therefrom in the spring of 1883. In October of that year he located in Fenton where he has since practiced his profession. He was married in October, 1882. to Mary Jane Walters, who was also born in Kent County in the township of Harwich and is a daughter of Henry Walters, a native of the same county, and a farmer by occupation. Both parents are still living. The two children of our subject are Arthur J. and Lester W. The political views which receive the endorsement of our subject are those which are advanced by the Republican party. He is a member of the Foresters and of the order of Odd Fellows. Both he and. his wife are members of the Baptist Church and prominent members of the social circles of Fenton.
Portrait and Biographical Record of Genesee, Lapeer and Tuscola Counties, Michigan. Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1892, pp. 240-241